Monday, April 03, 2006

Entomology Photography

I am a big fan of Macro-lens Photography and look forward to purchasing the propper equipment to photograph Entomology Subjects on their levels.

Every couple of years a Tent Caterpillar infestation devistates the American Northwest fruit trees. This image comes from the infestation of 2004. I have often wondered what makes the one that is glowing so different from the rest.
This shot is to demonstrate the destruction that the Caterpillars are capable of. They have stripped this plumb tree of every green piece and covered the entire tree with a silk webbing that helps them travel easier. The small black dots are their feces and two caterpillars can be seen in the middle of the left third of the image.

My female pet spider (Confirmed: Phormictopus cancerides) has posed for many great shots. She is a Haitian Brown Haired Bird Eater. Thats correct, she will some day be big enough to eat birds. For now she is only about as big as a computer Mouse. She is an excellent study in locomotion and behavior.

Here is a Sphinx Caterpillar (Confirmed: Eumorpha fasciata) turning green vegitation into pellets. Sweetheart the Spider made quick work of it's soft body. I wasn't able to witness wether the Sphinx used that red horn on the left side to defend it's self.

This red (possible: Araneus diadematus) is perched atop an oil lamp. Since it could withstand the heat of the lamp, this spider dined well that day.

This Mate-Seeking dragonfly makes a nice feast of the Northwest Musquito.

This yard predator is perched on the brightest flower in the garden.

He seemed as curious of me as I was of him.


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