Entomology Photography
My female pet spider (Confirmed: Phormictopus cancerides) has posed for many great shots. She is a Haitian Brown Haired Bird Eater. Thats correct, she will some day be big enough to eat birds. For now she is only about as big as a computer Mouse. She is an excellent study in locomotion and behavior.
Here is a Sphinx Caterpillar (Confirmed: Eumorpha fasciata) turning green vegitation into pellets. Sweetheart the Spider made quick work of it's soft body. I wasn't able to witness wether the Sphinx used that red horn on the left side to defend it's self.
This red (possible: Araneus diadematus) is perched atop an oil lamp. Since it could withstand the heat of the lamp, this spider dined well that day.
This Mate-Seeking dragonfly makes a nice feast of the Northwest Musquito.
This yard predator is perched on the brightest flower in the garden.
He seemed as curious of me as I was of him.
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